To celebrate that all the same Thailand 🇹🇭 -
lifted restrictions on arrivals
“… Oh, where was I yesterday…”
Whose birthday is it..
Friends of friends called .. as we were just passing by ..
By the way, Thais consider this to be quite - norms - even in official invitations to all kinds of celebrations there is a phrase - “We apologize in advance for not naming all those who want to join our celebration
together with you..🙏"
It's ornate so .. but the point is - take whoever you want with you, if only you were high (sabai-sabai, that is ..)
A bunch of Thai people, partying and mixing all kinds of cocktails in non-stop mode ...
A neighbor on the table whispered a secret - they say the best cocktail mixer was invited from the Oriental Hotel ... that's cool👍
Bartender gave out a huge number of glasses "on the mountain" ..
Mai Tai
The Blue Lagoon
Some kind of cocktail with passion fruit in a glass, unfamiliar to me…
Overseas fruits (strawberries-cherries) - not up to fat .. piece by piece in a glass preserved ..
The food was .. but I was not up to it 😂😂😂
